2011 |
Tödtli, J. (2011). Prädiktive Regelungen und Wetterprognosen in der Gebäudeautomation - Überlegungen im Vorfeld zweier Forschungsprojekte. Bulletin Schweizerische Gesellschaft fü Automatik 59, pp2-11. More... | pdf  |
Siroky, J., Oldewurtel, F., Cigler, J., & Privara, S. (2011). Experimental analysis of model predictive control for an energy efficient building heating system. Applied Energy 88(9):3079-3087. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.03.009 | pdf  |
Schläfli, S. (2011). Neues Hirn für alte Häuser. ETH Globe, 2/2011. More... | pdf  |
Sagerschnig, C., Gyalistras, D., Seerig, A., Privara, S., Cigler, J. & Vana, Z. (2011). Co-simulation for building controller development: The case study of a modern office building. In: Proc. CISBAT 2011, 14-16 Sept. 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Privara, S., Vana, Z., Gyalistras, D., Cigler, J., Sagerschnig, C., Morari, M. & Ferkl, L. (2011). Modeling and identification of a large multi-zone office building. In: Proc. IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Denver, September 28-30, 2011. More... | pdf  |
Privara, S., Siroky, J., Ferkl, L. & Cigler, J. (2011). Model predictive control of a building heating system: The first experience. Energy and Buildings 43(2-3):564-572. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2010.10.022 | pdf  |
Ma, Y., Borrelli, F., Hencey, B., Coffey, B., Bengea, S. & Haves, P. (2011). Model Predictive Control for the operation of building cooling systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 99: 1-8. doi: 10.1109/TCST.2011.2124461 | pdf  |
Gwerder, M. & Tödtli, J. (2011). Verfahren und Anordnung zum prädiktiven Steuern von Raumtemperaturen in einem Gebäude unter Berücksichtigung der Kosten verschiedener Energiequellen. Europ. Patentanmeldung, EP 2 336 835 A1. More... | pdf  |
Daum, J. (2011). On the adaptation of building controls to the envelope and the occupants. PhD Thesis No. 4935, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 216pp. More... | pdf  |
Balan, R., Cooperb, J., Chaoc, K.-M., Stana, S. & Doncaa, R. (2011). Parameter identification and model based predictive control of temperature inside a house. Energy and Buildings 43(2-3):748-758. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2010.10.023 | pdf  |
2010 |
Stauch, V. (2010). Tailored high-resolution numerical weather forecasts for energy efficient predictive building control. Presentation, 10th Annual Meeting of the EMS and 8th European Conference on Applied Climatology, 13-17 September 2010, Zurich, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Stauch, V., Hug, C., Schubiger, F. & Steiner, P. (2010). Weather forecasts, observations and algorithms for building simulation and predictive control – Contributions by MeteoSwiss for the 3rd year of OptiControl. Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Zurich, Switzerland, 15 pp. pdf  |
Stauch, V., Gwerder, M., Gyalistras, D., Oldewurtel, F., Schubiger, F., & Steiner, P. (2010). Tailored high-resolution numerical weather forecasts for energy efficient predictive building control. In: Proc. 10th Annual Meeting of the EMS and 8th European Conference on Applied Climatology, 13-17 September 2010, Zurich, Switzerland. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts Vol. 7, EMS2010-228. More... | pdf  |
Siroky, J., Privara, S. & Ferkl, L. (2010). Model Predictive Control of building heating system. Paper presented at the 10th REHVA World Congress Clima 2010, 9-12 May 2010, Antalya, Turkey, 8pp. More... | pdf  |
Sagerschnig, C., Gyalistras, D., Gwerder, M. & Seerig, A. (2010). The OptiControl demonstrator building: Description, modeling and energy savings potential of predictive control (forthcoming). Technical Report, Building Climate Control, Gruner AG, Basel, Switzerland.
Privara, S. & Cigler, J., Vana, Z. & Ferkl, L. (2010). Subspace identification of poorly excited industrial systems. Paper presented at the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 15-17, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia USA, 6pp. More... | pdf  |
Oldewurtel, F., Ulbig, A., Parisio, A., Andersson, G. & Morari, M. (2010). Reducing peak electricity demand in building climate control using real-time pricing and Model Predictive Control. In: Proc. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 15-17 December 2010, Atlanta, USA. More... | pdf  |
Oldewurtel, F., Parisio, A., Jones, C.N., Morari, M., Gyalistras, D., Gwerder, M., Stauch, V., Lehmann, B. & Wirth, K. (2010). Energy efficient building climate control using stochastic Model Predictive Control and weather predictions. Paper presented at the 2010 American Control Conference (ACC2010), 30 June - 2 July 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. More... | pdf  |
Oldewurtel, F., Gyalistras, D., Gwerder, M., Jones, C.N., Parisio, A., Stauch, V., Lehmann, B. & Morari, M. (2010). Increasing energy efficiency in building climate control using weather forecasts and Model Predictive Control. Paper presented at the 10th REHVA World Congress Clima 2010, 9-12 May 2010, Antalya, Turkey, 8pp. More... | pdf  |
Morosan, P.-D., Bourdais, R., Dumur, D. & Buisson, J. (2010). A dynamic horizon distributed predictive control approach for temperature regulation in multi-zone buildings. In: Proc. 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Marrakech, Morocco June 23-25, 2010, pp 622-627. doi: 10.1109/MED.2010.5547802 | pdf  |
Morosan, P.-D., Bourdais, R., Dumur, D. & Buisson, J. (2010). Distributed model predictive control for building temperature regulation. In: Proc. 2010 American Control Conference (ACC2010), 30 June - 2 July 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp 3174-3179. pdf  |
Liao, C. & Barooah, P. (2010). An integrated approach to occupancy modeling and estimation in commercial buildings. In: Proc. 2010 American Control Conference (ACC2010), 30 June - 2 July 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp 3130-3135. pdf  |
Heinzelmann, E. (2010). Weather forecast auch für Gebäudeleitsysteme. Schweizer Energiefachbuch 2010, 164-166. More... | pdf  |
Haldi, F. (2010). Towards a unified model of occupants' behaviour and comfort for building energy simulation. PhD Thesis No. 4587, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 194pp. More... | pdf  |
Gyalistras, D. (2010). Use of MPC for building control. Presentation, Short Course on Model Predictive Control, 4 March 2010, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Gyalistras, D. (2010). Der energetische "Performance Bound" – eine rechnerische Messlatte für die Gebäuderegelung. Presentation, 6. Planerseminar Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur, 23 March 2010, Horw, Switzerland. pdf  |
Gyalistras, D., Gwerder, M., Oldewurtel, F., Jones, C.N., Morari, M., Lehmann, B., Wirth, K., & Stauch, V. (2010). Analysis of energy savings potentials for Integrated Room Automation. Paper presented at the 10th REHVA World Congress Clima 2010, 9-12 May 2010, Antalya, Turkey, 8pp. More... | pdf  |
Gyalistras, D. & The OptiControl Team (2010). Final report: Use of weather and occupancy forecasts for optimal building climate control (OptiControl). Terrestrial Systems Ecology ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 33pp. pdf  |
Gyalistras, D. & Gwerder, M. (eds.) (2010). Use of weather and occupancy forecasts for optimal building climate control (OptiControl): Two Years Progress Report – Main Report. Terrestrial Systems Ecology ETH Zurich R&D HVAC Products, Building Technologies Division, Siemens Switzerland Ltd., Zug, Switzerland, 158pp, Appendices. pdf  |
Gyalistras, D. & Gwerder, M. (eds.) (2010). Use of weather and occupancy forecasts for optimal building climate control (OptiControl): Two Years Progress Report – Appendices (forthcoming). Terrestrial Systems Ecology ETH Zurich R&D HVAC Products, Building Technologies Division, Siemens Switzerland Ltd., Zug, Switzerland.
Gwerder, M., Ullmann, F. & Illi, B. (2010). Contributions by Siemens for the 3rd year of the project OptiControl (forthcoming). Technical Report, Siemens Switzerland Ltd., Building Technologies Division, Zug, Switzerland.
Gwerder, M., Gyalistras, D., Oldewurtel, F., Lehmann, B., Wirth, K., Stauch, V. & Tödtli, J. (2010). Potential assessment of rule-based control for Integrated Room Automation. Paper presented at the 10th REHVA World Congress Clima 2010, 9-12 May 2010, Antalya, Turkey, 8pp. More... | pdf  |
Gwerder, M., Gyalistras, D., Oldewurtel, F., Lehmann, B., Wirth, K., Stauch, V. & Sagerschnig, C. (2010). Prädiktive Gebäuderegelung mithilfe von Wetter- und Anwesenheitsvorhersagen: Resultate des Projekts OptiControl. In: Proc. 16. brenet Status-Seminar Energie- und Umweltforschung im Bauwesen, «Forschen und Bauen im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt», 2-3 September 2010, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Gondhalekar, R., Oldewurtel, F., & Jones, C.N. (2010). Least-restrictive robust MPC of periodic affine systems with application to building climate control. In: Proc. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 15-17 December 2010, Atlanta, USA, pp5257-5263. More... | pdf  |
2009 |
Yu, Z. & Dexter A. (2009). Simulation based predictive control of low-energy building systems using two-stage optimization. Proc. of the 11th IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 July 2009, 1562-1568. More... | pdf  |
Wetter, M. (2009). Modelica-based modeling and simulation to support research and development in building energy and control systems. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2(2):143-161. doi: 10.1080/19401490902818259 | pdf  |
Wetter, M. (2009). A Modelica-based model library for building energy and control systems. Proc. of the 11th IBPSA Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 July 2009, 652-659. More... | pdf  |
Ullmann, F. (2009). Embedding predictive control in hierarchical Integrated Room Automation systems (Part 2/2) . Semester Thesis, Siemens Building Technologies, Zug and Automatic Control Laboratory (IFA), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 36pp. More... | pdf  |
Trcka, M., Hensen, J.L.M. & Wetter, M. (2009). Co-simulation of innovative integrated HVAC systems in buildings. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2(3):209-230. doi: 10.1080/19401490903051959 | pdf  |
Stauch, V. (2009). Intelligente Gebäuderegelung mit Wetterprognosen. In: Annual Report 2009, Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Zurich, Switzerland, p29. More... | pdf  |
Seerig, A. & Sagerschnig, C. (2009). Simulation based façade control implemented as a responsive building element. Presentation, Smart and Efficient Energy Council (SEEC'2009), 8-9 October 2009, Trento, Italy. More... | pdf  |
Seerig, A. & Sagerschnig, C. (2009). Methoden zum Einsatz diskreter, webbasierter Wetterprognosen in Gebäudetechnik und Lastmanagement. Bauphysik, 1/2009, 42-50. More... | pdf  |
Schubiger, F. (2009). Das numerische Wettervorhersagemodell COSMO von MeteoSchweiz und seine Anwendung für die Gebäudeklimaregelung. Presentation, 5. Planerseminar Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur, 24 March 2009, Horw, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Parisio, A. (2009). Handling uncertainty with application to indoor climate control and resource allocation planning. PhD Thesis, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy, 2009, 135 pp. pdf  |
Morari, M., Chung, K., Gyalistras, D., Jones, C.N., Oldewurtel, F., Parisio, A., Rostalski, P. & Ullmann, F. (2009). Energy efficient building climate control. Presentation, Smart and Efficient Energy Council (SEEC'2009), 8-9 October 2009, Trento, Italy. More... | pdf  |
Ma, Y., Borrelli, F., Hencey, B., Packard, A. & Bortoff, S.A. (2009). Model Predictive Control of thermal energy storage in building cooling systems. Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, 16-18 Dec. 2009, pp. 392-397. More... | doi: 10.1109/CDC.2009.5400677 | pdf  |
Gähler, C. (2009). Combined heat & power production: Micro-CHP with Stirling Engine - Activities at Siemens Building Technologies. Presentation, Smart and Efficient Energy Council (SEEC'2009), 8-9 October 2009, Trento, Italy. More... | pdf  |
Gyalistras, D. (2009). Use of MPC for building control. Presentation, Short Course on Model Predictive Control, 24 February 2009, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Gyalistras, D. (2009). Prädiktive Regelung von Gebäuden: Methoden, Werkzeuge und Fallstudie Integrierte Raumautomation. Presentation, 26 Oct. 2009, Hochschule Luzern/Teilschule Technik und Architektur, Horw, Switzerland. pdf  |
Gyalistras, D., Morari, M. & Fischlin, A. (2009). OptiControl - Integrierte Raumautomation für Bürogebäude. ESC Newsletter, April 2009, p.3. More... | pdf  |
Gyalistras, D., & Fischlin, A., Morari, M., Jones, C.N., Oldewurtel, F., Parisio. A., Frank, T., Carl, S., Dorer, V., Lehmann, B., Wirth, K., Steiner, P., Schubiger, F., Stauch, V., Tödtli, J., Gähler, C. & Gwerder, M. (2009). Use of Weather and Occupancy Forecasts for Optimal Building Climate Control (OptiControl). Project Presentation, version 15-Jan-2009. pdf  |
Gyalistras, D., & Fischlin, A., Morari, M., Jones, C.N., Oldewurtel, F., Parisio. A., Frank, T., Carl, S., Dorer, V., Lehmann, B., Wirth, K., Steiner, P., Schubiger, F., Stauch, V., Tödtli, J., Gähler, C. & Gwerder, M. (2009). Saving energy by improved building control. In: Abstracts Book of the Annual Meeting of The Alliance for Global Sustainability: Urban Futures: the Challenge of Sustainability, 26-29 January 2009, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, p36.. More... | pdf  |
Gyalistras, D., & Fischlin, A., Morari, M., Jones, C.N., Oldewurtel, F., Parisio. A., Frank, T., Carl, S., Dorer, V., Lehmann, B., Wirth, K., Steiner, P., Schubiger, F., Stauch, V., Tödtli, J., Gähler, C. & Gwerder, M. (2009). Saving energy by improved building control. Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of The Alliance for Global Sustainability: Urban Futures: the Challenge of Sustainability, 26-29 January 2009, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Gwerder, M., Tödtli, J., Lehmann, B., Dorer, V., Güntensperger, W. & Renggli, F. (2009). Control of thermally activated building systems (TABS) in intermittent operation with pulse width modulation. Applied Energy, 86(9): 1606-1616. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2009.01.008 | pdf  |
Erickson, V.L., Lin, Y., Kamthe, A., Brahme, R., Surana, A., Cerpa, A.E., Sohn, M.D. & Narayanan, S. (2009). Energy efficient building environment control strategies using real-time occupancy measurements. BuildSys - First ACM workshop on embedded sensing systems for energy-efficiency in buildings, Berkeley, CA, 3 Nov. 2009. More... | pdf  |
Collazos, A., Maréchal, F. & Gähler, C. (2009). Predictive optimal management method for the control of polygeneration systems. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 33(10): 1584-1592. doi: doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2009.05.009 | pdf  |
Baltensperger, T. (2009). Embedding predictive control in hierarchical Integrated Room Automation systems (Part 1/2) . Semester Thesis, Siemens Building Technologies, Zug and Automatic Control Laboratory (IFA), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 48pp. More... | pdf  |
2008 |
eGain (2008). eGain Web presentation. eGain Sweden AB, Kungsbacka, Sweden, 17pp. More... | pdf  |
Tödtli, J. (2008). Wetterprognosen steigern die Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden. Deutsches Ingenieurblatt, Special Sonnenergie, 11/2008. More... | pdf  |
Steiner, P., Stauch, V., Gwerder, M., Gyalistras, D., Lehmann, B., Morari, M. & Schubiger, F. (2008). Numerical weather prediction at MeteoSwiss - Statistical postprocessing for building climate control. Poster presentation, 30th meeting of the European Working Group on Limited Area Modelling (EWGLAM) and 15th meeting of the Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction network (SRNWP), 6-9 October 2008, Madrid, Spain. More... | pdf  |
Stauch, V., Gwerder, M., Gyalistras, D., Lehmann, B., Morari, M. & Schubiger, F. (2008). Statistical adaptation of COSMO-7 predictions and their impact on predictive control of indoor building climate. Poster presentation, 8th Annual Meeting of the EMS and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology, 29 September - 3 October 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More... | pdf  |
Stauch, V., Gwerder, M., Gyalistras, D. & Schubiger, F. (2008). Statistical adaptation of mesoscale numerical weather forecasts for designing predictive control of indoor building climates. In: Proc. 8th Annual Meeting of the EMS and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology, 29 September - 3 October 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol. 5, EMS2008-A-00545. More... | pdf  |
Seerig, A., Sagerschnig, C. & Stift, F. (2008). Prognosegeführte Gebäudesteuerung – Das Wetter von morgen für die Gebäudesteuerung von heute. HLK Facility Management 5/1A, 24-27. More... | pdf  |
Schmid, W. (2008). Mit Wettervorhersage-Regelung bis zu 40% Energie einsparen. Heizung Lüftung Klimatechnik 8-9, 14-19. More... | pdf  |
SMHI (2008). SMHI WeatherSync - Forecast control for heating in buildings. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Norrköping, Sweden, 10pp. More... | pdf  |
Oldewurtel, F., Jones, C.N. & Morari, M. (2008). A tractable approximation of chance constrained stochastic MPC based on affine disturbance feedback. In: Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 9-11 December 2008, Cancun, Mexico (CDC08). More... | pdf  |
Niedermann, C. (2008). Wetterfee steuert Gebäudeautomation. cash Innovation, 12. Dec. 2008, Ringier AG, Zofingen, p24. More... | pdf  |
Morari, M. & Tödtli, J. (2008). Weather forecasts enhance comfort and save energy. Presentation at Smart Energy Strategies 2008 Conference, 8-10 September 2008, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Isler, A. & Baltensperger, T. (2008). Modeling of the new Monte Rosa Lodge and determination of an optimal control signal. Bachelor Thesis, Measurement and Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, 95pp. More... | pdf  |
Hofer, P., Kemmler, A. & Schwarz, J. (2008). Temperatur- und Strahlungsabhängigkeit des Energieverbrauchs im Wärmemarkt - Empirische Analyse von Einspeisemengen leitungsgebundener Energieträger. Bundesamt für Energie (BFE)/Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), Bern, Switzerland, 53pp. More... | pdf  |
Gwerder, M. (2008). Verwendung von Wettervorhersagen in der Gebäudeautomation. Presentation at the MeteoSchweiz COSMO-2 Kundenanlass, 12. June 2008, Zurich, Switzerland. More... | pdf  |
Gwerder, M., Lehmann, B., Tödtli, J., Dorer, V. & Renggli, F. (2008). Control of thermally-activated building systems (TABS). Applied Energy, 85(7): 565-581. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2007.08.001 | pdf  |
Buck, C. (2008). Research Partnership – Predictive building management: Forecasts that come home. Pictures of the Future, Spring 2008, pp 58-59. More... | pdf  |
Artmann, N., Gyalistras, D., Manz, H. & Heiselberg, P. (2008). Impact of climate warming on passive night cooling potential. Build. Res. Inf. 36(2): 111-128. doi: 10.1080/09613210701621919 | pdf  |
Anonymous (2008). Weather on the web: using the internet to prevent energy wastage. Sauter Facts No. 20, 2/2008, pp. 8-9. More... | pdf  |
2007 |
Yu, Z., Zhou Y. & Dexter A. (2007). Hierarchical fuzzy rule-based control of renewable energy building systems. CISBAT 2007 &ndash Renewables in a Changing Climate: Innovation in the Built Environment, International Scientific Conference, Lausanne, 4-5 September 2007. More... | pdf  |
Xie, F. & Whiteley, J.R. (2007). Model Predictive Control of a geothermally heated bridge deck. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference, New York City, USA, July 11-13, 2007. doi: 10.1109/ACC.2007.4283053 | pdf  |
Werner, M. & Hardt, S. (2007). Betriebsoptimierung mit Wettervorhersage-Steuerung. Technik am Bau 5/2007: 58-61. More... | pdf  |
Tödtli, J. (2007). Aus der Forschung: Verwendung von Wettervorhersagen in der Gebäudeautomation. Referat am Fachpresseforum 2007 der Siemens Building Technologies, Lissabon, 16. Oktober 2007.
Tödtli, J., Gwerder, M., Lehmann, B., Renggli, F. & Dorer,V. (2007). Integrated design of Thermally Activated Building Systems and of their control. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session D04, paper no. 1093. More... | pdf  |
Tödtli, J. & Gwerder, M. (2007). The use of weather forecasts in building automation and control systems: How to use them? What is the benefit? Presentation at REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, 10-14 June 2007, Helsinki, Finland, Workshop No. 9, Enhanced use of weather data and forecasts to improve the energy efficiency and indoor environment in buildings (13. Juni 2007). More... | pdf  |
SIA (2007). SN EN 15251: Eingangsparameter für das Raumklima zur Auslegung und Bewertung der Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden - Raumluftqualität, Temperatur, Licht und Akustik. Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein, Zurich, 52pp (approved). More... | pdf  |
Renggli, F., Gwerder, M., Tödtli, J., Lehmann, B., & Dorer,V. (2007). Effect of the hydraulic piping topology on energy demand and comfort in buildings with TABS. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session D05, paper no. 1140. More... | pdf  |
Raffenel, Y., Virgone, J. & Blanco, E. (2007). Space heating control of an individual dwelling by a fuzzy controller acting on the flowrate of a heating floor. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session C05, paper no. 1196. More... | pdf  |
Podgorny, M., Beca, L., Santanam, S., Lewandowski, G., Markowski, R., Michalak, G., Roman, P., Gelling, O., Lipson, E. & Bogucz, E. (2007). Open web services-based indoor climate control system. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session C05, paper no. 1689. More... | pdf  |
Pfafferoth, J. & Kalz, D. (2007). Thermoaktive Bauteilsysteme - Nichtwohnungsbauten energieeffizient heizen und kühlen auf hohem Komfortniveau. BINE Themen-Info I/2007, Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, 20pp. More... | pdf  |
Page, J. (2007). Simulating occupant presence and behaviour in buildings. PhD Thesis No. 3900, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 123pp. More... | pdf  |
Page, J., Robinson, D., Morel, N. & Scartezzini, J.-L. (2007). A generalised stochastic model for the simulation of occupant presence. Energy and Buildings, in press. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2007.01.018 | pdf  |
Noy, P., Liu, K. & Clements-Croome, D. (2007). Using semiotics to understand the interplay between people and buildings. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session C03, paper no. 1080. More... | pdf  |
Matics J, Krost G (2007). Prospective and adaptive management of small Combined Heat and Power systems in buildings. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session B05, paper no. 1673. More... | pdf  |
Mahdavi, A., Mohammadi, A., Kabir, E. & Lambeva, L. (2007). User control actions in buildings: Patterns and impact. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session C03, paper no. 1170. More... | pdf  |
Kikuta, K., Enai, M. & Hayama, H. (2007). Suggestion and verification of thermal storage heating and cooling systems by a simplified predictive control. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session C05, paper no. 1500. More... | pdf  |
Keller, B. (2007). Bauphysik - Wohin? Gedanken jenseits des Mainstreams. Bauphysik 29(3):260-264. doi: 10.1002/bapi.200710035 | pdf  |
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Henze, G.P., Pfafferott, J., Herkel, S. & Felsmann, C. (2007). Impact of adaptive comfort criteria and heat waves on optimal building thermal mass control. Energy and Buildings 39(2): 221-235. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2006.06.006 | pdf  |
Gähler, C., Gwerder, M., Lamon, R. & Tödtli, J. (2007). Optimal control of cogeneration building energy systems. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session B05, paper no. 1148. More... | pdf  |
Gyalistras, D., Gwerder, M., Dorer, V., Frank, T., Gähler, C., Jones, C., Lehmann, B., Morari, M., Oldewurtel, F., Schubiger, F., Stauch, V., Steiner, P. & Tödtli, J. (2007). OptiControl – Verwendung von Wetter- und Anwesenheits-Vorhersagen für die optimale Gebäudeklimaregelung. Poster presentation, «swisselectric research award 2007», 4. Sep. 2007, Technopark Zurich, Switzerland. pdf  |
Gwerder, M. (2007). Summary of WS 09: Enhanced Use of Weather Data and Forecasts to Improve the Energy Efficiency and Indoor Environment in Buildings (13th June 2007). Workshop summary, REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, 10-14 June 2007, Helsinki, Finland. More... | pdf  |
Gwerder, M., Tödtli, J., Lehmann, B., Renggli, F. & Dorer,V. (2007). Control of Thermally Activated Building Systems. In: Seppänen, O. & Säteri, J. (eds): Proceedings of REHVA World Congress Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors, FINVAC ry, Helsinki, Finland, Session D04, paper no. 1092. More... | pdf  |
Gwerder, M., Gäler, C., Laubacher, N. & Tödtli, J. (2007). Model-based predictive regulation of a building energy system. International Application, Pub. No. WO 2007/096377 A1. More... | pdf  |
Gwerder, M. & Tödtli, J. (2007). Method for controlling and/or regulating room temperature in a building. International Application, Pub. No. WO 2007/042390 A1. More... | pdf  |
Gwerder, M. & Tödtli, J. (2007). Device for controlling the room temperature in a building using a predictive control device. International Application, Pub. No. WO 2007/042371 A1. More... | pdf  |
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Güntensperger, W. Gwerder, M., Haas, A., Lehman, B., Renggli, F. & Tödtli, J. (2005). Control of concrete core conditioning systems. Paper presented at the 8th REHVA World Congress for Building Technologies (Clima 2005), 9-12 Oct. 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland, 8pp. pdf  |
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2003 |
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Gruber, P., Gwerder, M. & Tödtli, J. (2001). Predictive control for heating applications. Paper presented at the 7th REHVA World Congress (Clima 2000/Napoli 2001), 15-18 Sep. 2001, Napoli, Italy, 15pp. pdf  |
Gruber, P. & Tödtli, J. (2001). Prädiktive Einrichtung zum Regeln oder Steuern von Versorgungsgrössen. Europäische Patentanmeldung EP 1 074 900 A1. More... | pdf  |
2000 |
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1997 |
Tödtli, J. (1997). Overview on Technical Session 5 (Control). Invited paper, presented at the 6th REHVA World Congress (Clima 2000), 30 Aug.-2 Sep. 1997, Brussels, Belgium, 34pp.
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1988 |
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1985 |
Tödtli, J. (1985). Optimierungsideen fuer den Betrieb von HLK-Anlagen. SGA-Zeitschrift, Vol. 5, 1985-1. pdf  |
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